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A Globally Recognized Developer of Personal Care Products

Feb 7, 2024

2 min read




For over a century, this industry leader has been championing people-centric values – evidenced by an impressive employee retention rate. When their internal HR team needed extra support to meet recruitment demands, they reached out for help from Emerge Talent Cloud.


Faced with an immense challenge to fill 22 open roles while managing resource constraints, the team developed a creative solution. They set their sights on leveraging LinkedIn’s social media landscape and engaged with experts from Emerge Talent Cloud for successful navigation of this platform; notably increasing their chances of uncovering amazing prospects which would allow them to propel their business.


The objectives they wanted to achieve were to:

  1. Evolve recruitment processes by leveraging LinkedIn platform.

  2. Find 22 quality candidates for open positions.

  3. Reduce the overall time to hire.


The team recognized the importance of two components regarding their targeted messaging strategy: the employer value proposition (EVP) and crafting their messaging to emphasize company culture. Specifically, their EVP served to build recognition for the brand, immediately engaging prospective candidates. Additionally, culture-focused marketing initiatives were used to nourish a sense of trust between them and possible recruits as it provided an inside glimpse into what it could be like to work alongside this team. This unique combination of digital presence and outreach allowed us to meet all of their objectives.


Within just three months, the implementation of these new strategies facilitated an impressive 8 hires. By month 6 this had expanded to 9 more hires and 3 months later, we achieved the goal of filling all 22 roles seamlessly. Not only did it make recruitment processes more efficient but also contributed significantly to cost-saving efforts in addition to enhancing overall visibility for the organization on LinkedIn, building superior brand awareness over competitors.

Feb 7, 2024

2 min read





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